General ENFP

ENFPs are initiators of change, keenly perceptive of possibilities. They energize and stimulate others through their contagious enthusiasm. They prefer the start-up phase of a project or relationship, and are tireless in the pursuit of new-found interests. ENFPs are able to anticipate the needs of others and to offer them needed help and appreciation. They bring zest, joy, liveliness, and fun to all aspects of their lives. They are at their best in fluid situations that allow them to express their creativity and use their charisma. They tend to idealize people, and can be disappointed when reality fails to fulfill their expectations. They are easily frustrated if a project requires a great deal of follow-up or attention to detail.

ENFP Traits


Bright and capable

Warmly, genuinely interested in people; great people skills

Extremely intuitive and perceptive about people

Able to relate to people on their own level

Service-oriented; likely to put the needs of others above their own


Dislike performing routine tasks

Need approval and appreciation from others

Career Paths for ENFP

Consultant Psychologist Entrepreneur Actor Teacher Counselor Diplomat Journalist Television Reporter Computer Programmer Scientist Engineer Artist

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Journalist Actor Lawyer
Starting Wage 35,328 If your a great journalist you may be able to make up to 55,528 a year Actors are becoming less and less wanted it is slowly decling to where actors can get 4% of all jobs in the US actors make 17$ an hour The median annual wage of lawyers is $112,760, Lower then 10% earned less then 54,100 and Less then 10% make more then 164,000 a year
Besides traveling the world and meeting people, the best part of this job is that you never stop learning – about the world, the people in it, and most of all about yourself When you make it as a famous actor you get to travel the world, be in famous movies, win awards etc... Benifits of becoming a lawyer are global influence, transferable skills, diverse practice area and a intellectual challange
Journalist aren't always welcome everywhere because people don't want them writing about there daily lives or personal buisness Downside to being an actor is having to work long hours rehersing for lines and trying to find a movie or play that fits your role. Some downsides are long hours, might have to possibly work 7 days a week and short vacation time
Wage by state is basically the same the only difference is how much you make and how much the goverment takes away because of taxes The wage of an actor doesn't depend on what state your in but how good of a actor you are and if you get looked at by the right people. The wage by state depends on a few things what type of lawyer you become and where they place in the work force, national average salary for a lawyer is 106,085